Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Tips For Shopping Baby's Need

Hi Moms..

I want to share a bit ya. Based on my experience while working in a online store baby supplies. On the question what  are often really asked about baby gear. Check it out yach ...
  1. Cloth Diaper difference (CD) and Training Pant (TP)
    Training Pant intended for children who begin to learn toilet training well. TP can only be used once to pee. Pee boy would not be scattered on the floor, but the child will feel uncomfortable because of damp. Whereas, 
    Cloth diapers / cloth diapers / diaper reusable / Washable diapers are made of cloth diapers can be washed and used repeatedly. So far, only cloth diapers are made of a piece of fabric, usually cotton or tetra. There are already formed and stitched in such a way and given the strap to be easily applied to the infant, and some are rectangular diapers berbenuk with a large size and must be folded and dipeniti when it will apply to infants.
  2. Good store breast milk in glass bottles or plastic?
    Storing breast milk in the refrigerator or in freezer, it should be stored in a plastic container or container BPA Free made of glass so that nutrients are not damaged milk. Glass bottles are widely used as a clean, safe, easily washed and can be used many times and that is mainly the price is very affordable. Fat milk does not stick in the bottle, so it is easy to clean. Bottles can be used repeatedly and can disteril. No contaminated material from the outside, still 100% breast milk. Airtight lid, ensuring the quality of breast milk.

    How To Keep Breastfeeding is good and right.
    1. Store the milk in a bottle that has been sterilized.
    2. The best bottles are actually made of glass / glass, but if forced to use plastic bottles, make sure that the plastic is strong enough (do not melt when immersed in hot water).
    3. Do not wear colored milk bottle / pictorial, because chances are the paint on the bottle would melt if exposed to heat.
    4. Do not forget to include the date and time of pumped breast milk / juice in bottles.
    5. Store the milk in a bottle that was sealed
  3. How to put on Ice Gell?
    Ice Cold Gel: For the first time use ice gel should be stored in the freezer for 24 hours, for maximum results. And can be stored for subsequent use at least 8 hours. after storage, ice gel can be used approximately 5-7 hours in the coolerbag (air bag)

    Ice Gel Heat: Heat water to boiling, turn off the stove and then dip the ice Gell into the boiling water for 10-15 minutes. After that you can use it for 5-7 hours in the cooler / warmer bag with a note drinks stored in hot conditions as well.

List The Needs of Mothers and Babies

Here we give the composition  list of the completion of a baby to be purchased based on the time and when the  baby need or the mother is required. List of baby equipment can be used as a checklist for parents who are preparing for baby and mother.

When Brought into the maternity hospital. 

  1. For Mom
    • Mother's nightgown with front buttons
    • Ordinary clothes to wear back home.
    • Casual sandals.
    • Underwear (bra and panties)
    • Pads
    • Mom's Corset
    • Towels and toiletries.
    • Wet tissue 
    • Breastpad (mat on the bra, to keep the seepage ASI/ Mom's Milk).
    • Sterile gauze.
    • Breast Pump
    • Sling
  2. For Babies
    • Diapers
    • Baby Clothes
    • Sleeping bag
    • Sterile Gauze
    • Cotton Bud
    • Washlap.
    • Towel, telon oil, powder , baby shampo and soap
    • Baby's hat, sock and gloves
Baby Sleep Equipment
  1. Box baby
  2. Pillow
  3. Blanket
  4. Sleeping Bag
  5. Bedsheet
  6. Doll
Infant Health and Safety Equipment.
  1. Digital Thermometer.
  2. Straws Mucus ( Nose Cleaner )
  3. Stroller
  4. Baby Carseat
  5. Natural anti mosquito
  6. Baby Bouncer
Maybe useful ya mom... 

How To Wash Cloth Diaper

Due to the increasing number of smart mom who "GO Green" by using Cloth Diapers (CD). I want to share ya how to wash cloth diapers, so that is not easily damaged and can extend the use of diapers. Check it out!

  1. Use detergent without fabric softener and no bleach, and detergent use only 1/4 of the recommended dosage on the plastic wrapper.
  2. For the first time using Cloth Diaper, is recommended to do 3 times washing-drying cycles-dry diaper to increase absorbency.
  3. To clean up solid waste (PUP): First remove the insert from pocketnya and waste manure, then clean the scar by spraying with tap water or spray to the stain somewhat disappeared.
  4. Wash the CD with the use of cold water, because cold water can remove the remaining residual impurities and to prevent dirt entry.
  5. Please wash CD as much as possible immediately, do not be brushed (because it will make a cloth diaper is damaged) and avoid the long immersion.
  6. CD is recommended to rinse at least 3 times rinsing, Remember: The process of flushing is an important step in cleaning clodi! If not clean, soap residue can be left in the diaper that can lead to lack of absorptive capacity and cause rashes on babies sensitive skin.
  7.  Squeeze gently, and not twisted.
  8. Drying under direct sunlight. because sunlight can make it dry faster, remove stubborn stains and whiten in nature.
  9. Once dry Cloth diapers can be directly used without ironing. because it could make cloth diapers melt.

Cara mencuci Cloth Diaper

Berhubung semakin banyaknya smart mom yang "GO Green" dengan  memakai Cloth Diaper (CD). Saya mau sharing nih cara mencuci cloth diaper, agar tidak cepat rusak dan dapat memperpanjang pemakaian diaper. Check it out!

  1. Pakailah detergen yang tanpa pelembut dan tanpa pemutih, dan gunakan detergen hanya 1/4 dari takaran yang dianjurkan pada plastik pembungkusnya.
  2. Untuk pemakaian pertama kali Cloth Diaper, dianjurkan untuk melakukan 3 kali siklus cuci-jemur-kering untuk meningkatkan daya serap diaper.
  3. Untuk membersihkan kotoran padat (PUP): Pertama Keluarkan insert dari pocketnya dan  buang kotorannya, lalu bersihkan bekasnya dengan menyemprotkan air dengan kran atau spray agar nodanya agak menghilang. 
  4. Cucilah CD dengan memakai air dingin, karena air dingin bisa mengangkat sisa sisa kotoran dan dapat mencegah kotoran masuk.
  5. Sebisa mungkin CD di cuci langsung, jangan disikat ( karena akan membuat kain diaper rusak) dan hindari perendaman yang lama.
  6. Untuk membilas CD dianjurkan minimal 3 kali pembilasan, Ingat: Proses pembilasan adalah langkah penting dalam membersihkan clodi! Bila tidak bersih, residu sabun dapat tertinggal di diaper yang dapat menyebabkan kurangnya daya serap dan menyebabkan ruam pada kulit bayi yang sensitif.
  7. Peras secara perlahan, dan jangan dipelintir.
  8. Jemur dibawah sinar matahari langsung. karena sinar matahari dapat membuat lebih cepat kering, menghilangkan noda yang membandel dan memutihkan secara alami.
  9. Setelah kering Cloth diaper bisa langsung dipakai tanpa harus disetrika. karena bisa membuat cloth diaper meleleh.

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Tips Belanja Keperluan Bayi

Hai Bunda...

Saya mau sharing sedikit nih. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya sewaktu kerja di sebuah toko online perlengkapan bayi. Tentang  pertanyaan apa saja sih yang sering banget ditanya seputar perlengkapan bayi. Check it out yach...

  1. Perbedaan Cloth Diaper  ( CD ) dan Training Pant ( TP ) ?
    Training Pant diperuntukkan untuk anak yang mulai belajar toilet training yah. TP itu hanya bisa digunakan untuk sekali pipis. Pipis anak tidak akan berceceran di lantai, tapi si anak akan merasakan tidak nyaman karena lembab.
    Cloth diaper/popok kain/reusable diaper/washable diaper adalah popok yang terbuat dari kain, dapat dicuci dan dipakai berulang-ulang. Selama ini popok kain hanya terbuat dari selembar kain, biasanya dari bahan katun atau tetra. Ada yang sudah dibentuk dan dijahit sedemikian rupa dan diberi tali pengikat supaya mudah dikenakan pada bayi, dan ada pula popok yang berbenuk segi empat dengan ukuran yang besar dan harus dilipat dan dipeniti ketika akan dikenakan pada bayi.
  2. Baiknya menyimpan ASI di botol kaca atau plastik ?
    Menyimpan ASI di dalam kulkas ataupun di freezer, sebaiknya disimpan didalam container plastik BPA Free atau container yang terbuat dari kaca agar nutrisi ASI tidak rusak. Botol kaca banyak digunakan karena bersih, aman, gampang di cuci dan bisa di pakai berkali-kali dan yang terutama harganya sangat terjangkau. Lemak ASI tidak menempel di botol, jadi mudah dibersihkan. Botol bisa dipakai berulang-ulang dan bisa disteril. Tidak terkontaminasi bahan dari luar, ASI tetap 100% ASI. Tutup kedap udara, menjamin kualitas ASI.

    Cara Menyimpan ASI yang baik dan benar.
    • Simpan ASI dalam botol yang telah disterilkan terlebih dahulu. Botol yang paling baik sebetulnya adalah yang terbuat dari gelas/beling, namun jika terpaksa menggunakan botol plastik, pastikanlah bahwa plastiknya cukup kuat (tidak meleleh jika direndam dalam air panas).
    • Jangan pakai botol susu yang berwarna / bergambar, karena kemungkinan besar cat pada botol akan  meleleh jika terkena panas.
    • Jangan lupa cantumkan tanggal dan jam ASI dipompa/peras pada botol.
    • Simpan ASI di dalam botol yang tertutup rapat
  3. Cara memakai Ice Gell ?

    Ice Gel Dingin : Untuk pemakaian pertama kali sebaiknya ice gel disimpan di dalam freezer selama 24 jam, agar hasilnya maksimal. Dan untuk pemakaian selanjutnya bisa disimpan minimal 8 jam. setelah disimpan,  ice gel bisa digunakan sekitar 5 - 7 jam di dalam coolerbag ( tas pendingin)

    Ice Gel Panas : Panaskan air sampai mendidih, matikan kompor lalu celupkan ice gell ke dalam air mendidih tersebut selama 10 - 15 menit. Setelah itu anda dapat menggunakannya selama 5 - 7 jam di dalam cooler/warmer bag dengan catatan minuman disimpan dalam keadaan yang panas juga.